How To Say No

We sometimes found circumstances in life in which we ought to have said no, but we cannot strongly reject due to different reasons such as shyness, embarrassment or fear; therefore, we regret our weakness.

No matter what the circumstances are, how can we say no without hurting the emotions of the other person? Although it cannot be successful, we may at least attempt to alleviate the agony for the individual concerned. Any response that sounds like: "No, I won't give you what you want" is a tremendous disappointment for the person who arrived with the proposition and a sense of failure. Remember that it is hard for everyone to obtain what they desire.

If you can foresee the prospect of accepting a proposal in your mind and emotions, carefully select the response. Use phrases such as:" Under no circumstances do you mean? Me and you? Me and you? You're out of mind?" Think a little and you will understand that you have been so brutally wounded by waiting for your company or assistance. Even if you're not interested, you should respond in such a way that he or she doesn't take the risk of asking.

Some assistance may be the following advise list in conjunction with your own experience.
Think carefully before you provide a reply. Ask yourself whether there may be situations in which you may make this statement. Speak as plainly and kindly as you can. Use phrases like: "If you only didn't live so far away..." or "I don't feel good today."

Instead of "You make me feel," use "I feel." The other person doesn't have to feel bad. Try to have a good discussion. Show and tell him or her what you enjoy.
Don't give up hope if you simply know that the other isn't for you. You must reject it forcefully, but gracefully.

If you are inclined to accept but have reservations, then you may offer some hope and you will have to take the next step.

Any scenario that becomes a danger and the individual becomes overly forceful and discomfortable is an extreme approach. Then forget the way and stop being nice, behave forcefully and establish limits.

Many of us have problems when we have to say no. If you are in this position, practice and learn since it's better to reject rather than later regret.

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